Awarding Talented Photographers


o Edited  video clip up to 150 seconds taken taken in Israel during  January 1st, 2019 to October 30, 2022.
o The theme of the video clip is open and can be set according to the videographer’s choice.
o Videographer may be assisted by a film crew that takes part in editing, filming and directing the video.
o Video clips submitted may include a soundtrack, headings, credits, textual elements and other features. All elements will be accounted as part of the maximum video duration.
Video Submission
1. Final videos can be submitted until  October 30, 2022. 
2. Videos submitted to the competition should be first uploaded to the participant's private YouTube channel within the original resolution of the video.
2. Video title should be: "Israel Wings 2022- Video Clip Category - Participant's Name". So, for instance, if John Malkovich is uploading a video,
     the video title should be: "Israel Wings 2022- Video Clip Category - John Malkovich". Video's title may appear in the
     video itself and on the YouTube video description field.
3. Once the video has been uploaded to YouTube channel, the participant should submit the video to the competition by filling in this form
4. During January 2023, the first judgment phase will take place, resulting with 10 finalists.  Participants reaching semi-final stages during the judging
    process will be asked to send the video clip on HR format using any of the online download services: DropBox, Jambo Mail, YouSenditor others.
Panel of Judges 
Christian Petron from France, Andrés Clarós from Spain and Phil Simha from Switzerland,
The decisions of the Jury are final in all aspects of the competition and may not be challenged.
Rules & Regulations
1. Final deadline for submitting video clips is October 30, 2022 
2. Upon registering to the competition, each participant will receive a participation number, username and password, which later on should be used in order to login and upload the video links submitted to the competition. 
3. All winners and nominees will be announced on a festive winning ceremony which takes place on December 29, 2022 at Tel Aviv University
4. Preserving the nature should be carefully considered during the process of taking images. Anything that has to do with disturbing or moving animals from their natural environment will disqualify the images or the photographer. Read more >>>> קישור לקוד האתי 
5. It is absolutely forbidden to submit videos in one's own name but which another videographer has taken. The competition is conducted individually, and rules of ethics must be adhered to. 
6. Legal issues of any kind that result in lawsuits shall be solely held at the Tel Aviv Courthouse.
Use of Video Clip Materials  
1. By enrolling the competition, participants agree that the submitted videos may be used or reproduced for the media coverage of this event and for the promotion of future competitions in all media channels, including TV, Internet, YouTube, written publications and more. 
2. Submitted materials shall indefinitely remain in the producers' archives without the requirement of further permission for usage. 
3. Video credits will be given to the photographer when applicable. 
4. Submission of materials and participation in the competition entails an automatic acceptance of all the above. 
5. Use of videos as described above will require no additional written or verbal permissions from the photographer.
Rights of Materials
I hereby declare that I'm the rightful owner of all copyrights to the aforementioned video submitted to the Israel Wings competition. This video/image was produced by me and my production team, including the featured soundtrack and/or I purchased the rights to my music (royalty free) , and I own the rights to sell, distribute, rent or broadcast it in any way or form, including private, public and commercial use, on social networks, TV channels and anywhere in the world.
I hereby grant the World ShootOut production team with the right to use this video submitted to the competition for the purpose of promoting and marketing the competition in any form found appropriate by the production.
I declare that I will be liable for any damage, loss or expense that will result of using these materials according to my aforementioned declaration.
Signing the official competition registration form states the photographer’s agreement to the rules stated above.