The Eilat Mountains and the Southern Arava have long been recognized as one of the most important watch points to enjoy and study
bird migration along the Eastern Flyway between Eurasia and Africa. An extraordinary concentration of migratory birds which use the region
(mainly during spring and autumn) as well as a rich and diverse collection of desert and sub-tropical species have made the region one of the
most important bird watching areas in Israel and Western Palearctic. Other than the migrants that fill the skies, Southern Israel is also home
to many exciting resident species which can be hard to find anywhere else. The dramatic outline of the Rift Valley, and the variety of natural
and man-made habitats serves as a corridor for millions of migrant birds and home for nearly 400 species.
The International Birding & Research Center in Eilat is running a community based nature conservation to protect birds and
habitats on the main flyway connecting Europe, Asia and Africa. The bird sanctuary is a fantastic birding site nevertheless, also a hub for
environmental culture and nature conservation activism. The team works with the local communities to mitigate hazards for birds in the region,
and make better stopover sites from fields, plantations, sewage reservoir, saltpans and gardens. The society for the Protection of Nature
in Israel is running nature conservation campaigns and education programs to help the birds migrate. Nature photography is a great way to close
the gap between the public at home and nature. To gain support to protect nature we need the public with us, appreciating and protecting nature.